Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Our Favorite Time of the Week

So I was going to do a fun blog about the weekends and how they are the best time of the week that we love to spend together....but you only get part of it for now because I thought I had uploaded all of our pictures but I only have the one's from this last weekends and not the two weekends before... so I'll do another post later and things will be a little bit out of order...
Last Sunday, March 15 we decided that we would take advantage of the beautiful weather and head out on some outside adventures....


Eli really wanted to go feed the ducks, so we went to the lake near BYU, but there were too many people there so we decided to head over to Utah Lake. 


We went to feed the ducks, but they weren't there so we decided that the rocks would have to be our form of entertainment for the time being.... then it was on to the horses, cows and bulls... 


I decided to post these just for fun and to show the difference between me and my adorable husband... when we go on adventures he wants to take pictures of what he says are "GREAT" bulls and I take pictures of the pretty scenery... Apparently someday these animals will be wandering around near my house.... Next we decided to head up to one of Elisha's favorite spots... Bridal Veil Falls. Did you know that they are going to re-build the tram??? 


Sunday Afternoon Walk to Bridal Veil Falls... we're SOOO excited the weather is starting to warm up!  By this time the weather wasn't so warm so we headed home.. but we really enjoyed our Sunday afternoon adventures and look forward to many more to come!


Bryce, Anna, Porter, Avery and Colette said...

you are alive! jk. glad to see you are having fun, and its getting warmer... remember if you need warm its always warm down here... you know a high of 91!!!! YES 91 IN MARCH! Me and the little girl are not too happy about this but oh well.

Emily C. said...

if you'd like to feed ducks with less people around there's a park behind the university walmart that has a pond.